My best photographs of 2020
It’s that time of year again — time to take a hard look at the best photographs I created over the last 12 months, and boy, what a year it was! A pandemic claimed nearly two million lives and created global economic hardship. Climate change hit home with historic, record-breaking wildfires. The fight for social justice took to the streets. And finally, we had to endure a presidential election like this country has never witnessed. When I reflect on everything that happened in 2020, it is a wonder I was able to make art at all.
The year started out nicely enough. I assisted Michael Frye for his his Yosemite Winter workshop at the beginning of the year. In February, I was a keynote speaker and instructor for the Out Of Yosemite photography conference. And, I skied at Mammoth Lakes for the first time that month. After that, all hell broke loose.
Despite the challenges and stress, Gary and I counted our many blessings. First of all, we were healthy and able to stay safe in our home. I continued to teach photography, but virtually via Zoom. I practiced my photography skills on the backyard birds that visited our feeders. And, I found other ways to feed my creative soul, mostly by cooking, but also through writing.
In June, Gary and I made our first, big Covid-19-inspired decision — we purchased a pickup truck and camper, which would become our means of escape and a place of refuge. Once the shelter-in-place restrictions were relaxed, we were able to travel a bit. We went to Yosemite and California’s North Coast initially, and then made a longer, six-week road-trip through Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon. Most of my images this year were from this period — June through October.
One year ago, I collected my photos from the previous year, 2019, and posted my annual “best of” blog. In that January 1, 2020 post, I wrote about the upcoming new year, full of hope and promise. “There will be some changes in 2020. More laughter. More creating. More learning. More doing the things I love with the people I love.” I can honestly say that in 2020, I have been able to laugh, create, and learn. And remarkably, I have been able to do things I love with the one I love. Like you, I’m missing many special friends and family whom I love, but 2021 holds promise, yes?
Below is a curated collection of my photographs from 2020. Some of these images may be familiar to you, but many are unpublished until now. Which images resonate most with you? What did you do in 2020 to feed your soul?

I always love to read your comments, so feel free to share your thoughts below. Also, many of these photographs are available as limited edition fine art prints, which I make personally in my studio. You can browse and order on my Gallery website, www.charlottegibb.com.
Charlotte Gibb is a contemporary fine art photographer based in the San Francisco Bay Area specializing in landscapes of the Western United States. Her images are often taken in familiar places for the well-versed landscape photographer, but she prides herself on her keen eye toward the subtle and sometimes overlooked beauty of the natural world. Growing up among the beautiful mountains of Northern California, she considers herself a student of life, learning about people, nature, music, and photography along the way. But always, her life-long passion for the wilderness shines through it all. Charlotte earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and has exhibited her work in several solo shows throughout California. Her darkroom, long gone now, has been replaced with digital darkroom tools, and her style has evolved from a somewhat journalistic approach, to one that pays tribute to the natural world.
Joe Hudspeth
Oh my Charlotte. These are epic. Beautifully done!
Thanks so much, Joe! Glad you like them.
Awesome photos. Hard to pick a favorite so I like three. The Captain, Winter Ice and Big Trees.
Thanks, Garry! I can’t pick either, but I’m particularly fond of The Capitan, which I photographed just a month ago.
Millicent Harvey
Just gorgeous Charlotte. I love your work and stories to go along with them.
Thanks, Millicent! I’m glad you enjoyed the stories as well. Although I believe a photograph should be able to stand alone, I can’t resist telling a bit more about what is going on behind the scenes.
Karl Chiang
Almost all were magical! Hard to pic a favorite but the last one is unique and something I haven’t seen before! May 2021 be be a much better year!
Aw, thanks, Karl! Wishing you a speedy recovery from your knee surgery so you too can get out and shoot again!
Janet Bray
Truly beautiful art!! Captured with the lens as well as the pen.
Thank you, my friend!
Thomas Wilson
These are stunningly beautiful! What a year you had!
I was very fortunate. I took about 1/2 the frames as a normal year, but still managed to get out and keep up the practice.
Rod Best
Great shots! I think if I had to pick a few favorites, The Aspen and Maple shot; Waiting for Grizzly; and The Milky Way shot at the end. I really like how you included the tall pine juxtaposed next to the Milky Way.
I’m so delighted to hear that you like those particular photographs, Rod. They certainly are not the most dramatic images in the set, but are rather understated, which is what I like about them too. Thanks for taking the time to look through the collection and comment.
Nancy McCune
I love the Bison Herd – the way you captured the one out of the mist; Vernal Fall – the composition is amazing; and the Snowy Egret – the beautiful light on the wings. They’re all beautiful!
Thank you, my friend. I’m especially tickled to learn that you like Bison Herd. Gary didn’t like that one, and I insisted on including it. He calls it “Bison Butt”! Ha!
Carolyn Collmer
So wonderful to have you take me back across the country to a place I love. Yosemite will always show nature’s work at its finest and you are the best at showing it to others..
Thanks so much, Carolyn. Yosemite is dear to so many, and I am fortunate to be able to visit frequently.
I didn’t like any specific photograph in this collection, I love them ALL!! Stunning art!! Congratulations on one artist’s year beautifully documented.
Thanks, Joanne! I’m excited about the coming year and the promise it holds, just as I did at the beginning of 2020! I hope that’s not a bad omen!
Donnette Largay
Great collection of photos for a difficult year of travel.
I was at Tetons in January, before virus became an issue.
Looking forward to travel in 2021, here’s hoping!
Yes, here’s hoping! Having a truck camper has really allowed us some limited mobility. Gary calls it “the world’s most expensive porta-potty”. Ha!
Hugh Sakols
Absolutely stunning! I particularly like Vernal Falls and Winter Ice.
Thanks, Hugh!
Your photographs always take my breath away. These are especially wonderful – thank you so much for sharing them with us and inspiring us as well.
Thank you, Jo.
Rick Currie
Lovely images. They brightened my otherwise gloomy winter day. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Rick. I’m glad I had a small part in brightening your day!
Alan R Spitzer
Another series of marvelous photos, Charlotte! I really enjoyed looking through them. In spite of the pandemic, it looks like you had a pretty fine year photographically. Many thanks for posting these images.
You’re very welcome. Yes, I think if it had not been for our truck camper, it would have been a much different year photographically.
Richard mirvis
I am in my 80,s have been in the house since this virus first started , your photos make it a lot easier. Your work is very inspiring.
I’m very pleased to hear that my photographs have brought you some joy, Richard! Thanks for reaching out to let me know. That was very kind of you and brightens my day too! Stay safe.
Mark Howenstein
Absolutely stunning work, Charlotte. For us stuck 3000 miles away across the country, they are a nice reminder of the beauty out West. Hopefully this year will allow me to return to some of these beloved places.
Mark, these natural places out West will be waiting for you when we get through this blasted pandemic. Also, I highly recommend getting a camper as a means of escape. We would have gone nuts by now without it!
Bill Higgins
Simply beautiful images Charlotte, my favorite was the Snake River Overlook. I enjoy seeing the images from many outstanding Landscape Photographers but your work is consistently my favorite!
Gosh, thanks, Bill! The Snake River Overlook was especially lovely the day I was there. Shockingly, I was the only photographer there that morning. I look forward to returning again on another day.
Deborah Balcanoff
These are such beautiful images. I love them all but was drawn to the Big Dipper over Mt Shasta and the gorgeous shot of the white Egret. You have such a great eye. Thank you for sharing these images.
Thank you, Deborah. It’s so interesting to hear which photographs resonates with people. Everyone has a different opinion!
Janine King
Charlotte! The power of your images is palpable. They represent your focus, creativity and warmth. The Olympic National Forest images draw me in. I think it is because I photograph in the swamps here in Florida ALOT lately. It is so difficult to find good compositions among the chaos! Congratulations on a year well spent!
Thank you so much, Janine. Yes, photographing forests can be uniquely challenging precisely because as you noted — trying to create order out of all the chaos. One of these days I’d love to photograph the Florida swamps, but for now at least, we are going to have to stay pretty close to home. I’m glad you are able to get out and nature and practice your photography. Being in nature really helps with coping, doesn’t it?
Dan Reed
Very nice work, Charlotte! Clouds, mist and water especially well done. Arctic Fox was a great idea.
Thank you, Dan! the Arctic Fox has been a godsend. It was one of those decisions that I feared we might regret since we had never owned any sort of camper or trailer before, but we are really having a wonderful time with it.
Ann Collins
Wonderful group of photos, Charlotte. If “Rainforest Sunshine” is the Hoh Rainforest, then that is probably the best photo I’ve seen from there. If the “Another Dry Winter” image was shot on February 8, 2020, then I was nearby. I was in your group and took time out to sit on the fence and eat some nuts before getting back to work as the sun dropped. I still need to process my tree images from that afternoon.
Thanks, Ann. Yes, I remember that day very well. It was clear and cold and I took you and the group to photograph reflections and the changing light on the trees next to the Merced River. “Another Dry Winter” is from that same area, but taken on a separate trip there a couple weeks later. It’s one of my favorite places to wander around with my camera. I usually have the place to myself.
Thanks for sharing Charlotte. In the upside down year we had last year it’s still healing to spend time in these great locations. It’s great to capture a special image but just being out there is just as important.
Thank you much, Steve. It has been a crazy year, and 2021 is not shaping up to be much better. My camera has provided a welcome distraction, and being in nature is one of the few activities that are Covid-safe!
Steve Hornstra
Awesome photos Charlotte, My three favs are “Refresh”, “The Valley Awaits” but tops is “The Captain”. Looking forward to 2021 in so many ways.
Thanks, Steve. Hopefully, 2021 will open up new opportunities for all of us.
Michael Frye
What a wonderful collection Charlotte! And during a pandemic to boot.
Thanks, Michael. Nothing much happened in the way of photography from March until June, but I kinda made up for lost time in summer and fall.
John Day
My three picks are Refresh, Dancing with the Wind, and Snowy Egret. There is something about Dancing with the Wind that grabs me and won’t let go. Great work!
Your humble admirer,
Jackson Frishman
Wonderful work, Charlotte! Waiting for the Grizzly, Rainforest Sunshine and Dimensional River are the biggest standouts for me. It’s an interesting set – very fun to see you working with Yellowstone and Washington, though I must say your deep connection to Yosemite also really stands out in this collection. Happy new year!
Carol Wiebe
The photos express all the othe unsaid words.
Carol Wiebe
Kent Green
Wow Charlotte,
My 1st Best of the Year by you and you did NOT disappoint! I have to say that Winter Ice is my favorite, but I have a soft spot for the abstract. Seems like the Artic Fox saved your year and will be a real asset in future years. I have to say that “social distancing” in the woods with my camera kept me sane in 2020 and I was able to get some of my best shots as a result. I really enjoyed and learned a lot from your composition e-book….Thanks!
Happy 2021 !
Kent Green
Lalit Deshmukh
Wow, such a beautiful rendition of nature!
Donna Callais
I do like “Bison Herd”. Tell your hubby that the butt leads your eyes to the head and that’s what makes a good photo. 🙂 “Refresh” is stunning. It kind of represents 2020. The rocks are the darkness of the year, the beautiful waterfall is the light of our future and the little green bush represents our earth’s survival. Anyway, that’s a nice thought. I think all of your photos bring a little bit of peace to your viewers. They certainly do that for me. Thank you.
What did you do in 2020 to feed your soul?
I sat and let your photo’s in to my being with all their color, and incredible detail. My favorite this year would be “Refresh” and “The Captain” both of which meet that unique gift of yours, detail. What a gift you give us!
Kathy Barnhart
Hi Charlotte,
For some reason your blog goes into my spam, so I am just now looking through you best shots from 2020. What a glorious collection. You have such a gift for Yosemite Valley…I am drawn to all of them made in the Valley, especially those with water and rock. I love the Vernal Falls image, and would never guess that’s where it was because there was so little water in it. This year may be the same, sadly. I enjoy the photo I bought from you, Rm 504, every day. Again, water and rock! We are all itching to get to the mountains! Best to you and Gary…hope you are getting your vaccines soon or have already done so. Kathy
After looking at 2021 photos, I went back to look at those from 2020. Words are hard to find when looking at your incredible photos. I love the one of “The Captain” I could look at it all day, as you said in your own description. I think the reason is you can go back so many times and see something you hadn’t seen in other visits to it. The strength and power of the mountain, the coldness of the fog with a little minanture evergreen sitting inside it along with the trees that fall down its base. I have followed Michael Frye for years, and yourself for a couple (which I’m sure I will do as long as you photograph…which I’m also sure you will as long as you live). Thank you for taking me along on your journey where nature gets a chance to shine through your photos.