Ask Charlotte
Got a burning question about photography? Go ahead! Ask me!
I love to share my knowledge about Landscape Photography with others who share my passion. What’s on your mind? Composition, creativity, exposure, color theory, printing, visualization, equipment? Just submit your question in the form below!
Canon 5DsR — Still a great camera?
“Ask Charlotte” is my landscape photography advice blog. Have a question about photography? Go ahead. Ask me. I’m delighted to hear from people who share my passion. I’ll do my
What’s the most important piece of gear in your camera bag?
During a Colorado landscape photography workshop last Fall, a student asked for help on her composition. Approaching her, I noticed how she had setup her tripod. I cringed. Her very
What lens is best for astrophotography? Ask Charlotte!
“Ask Charlotte” is my landscape photography advice blog. Have a question about photography? Go ahead. Ask me. I’m delighted to hear from people who share my passion. I’ll do my